Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bragto U: Self Grading Quiz Part I

Bragto University
Class: DOCS 401 Self Grading Quiz Part I

Objective:  You will be able to create an online form to collect answers from a quiz or test and use formulas to grade and score it.


  1. Bragto U: Using Forms Part 1

  2. Bragto U: Using Forms Part 2


  • Google Docs Account


I see more and more online test and quiz software being promulgated in schools nowadays, and charging lots of money.  Using Google Docs, you can create your own online assessment.  Using formulas in Google Spreadsheets, you can have it graded and scored automatically.


  • First you need to setup your Google Form to have the questions you would like to ask.  See previous Bragto U posts on how to create forms.

    • I have setup a sample test with two questions.  I choose the theme "Math Proof", how cool!

  • Now that your form is created, so is your spreadsheet.  This is where the behind the scenes action is going to take place!

  • Go into your spreadsheet that coincides with your form.

  • Now we need to "program" the logic and create the formula.  The formula will decide if the answer is correct and what point value will the correct answer will be.  We will need to use an "IF" statement.  It will look more complicated than it is.  Here is how it works:

    • Each formula starts with an equal sign.

    • Next, identify what kind of formula you will be using.  In this case we are going to use "if".  Google Spreadsheets will show you how to use the formula.

    • Add a "(" parenthesis.

    • Identify the spreadsheet cell you want to identify.  In this case in my spreadsheet, the cell is "c2".

    • Now we have to tell the the formula the response we are expecting.  In this case the answer is "6".  After the "6" add a comma.

    • Now add what the point value of the question will be.  We will make this a 2 point question.   What if the answer is wrong, you need to add a "0" and end your open parenthesis.)

    • Put all together it looks like this: =if(c2=6,2,0)

  • Once you are finished typing the formula and hit enter the results of your formula have been put into the cell.

  • Do this to the other questions in your spreadsheet, all you need to change in the formula is the cell number and the answer.